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Top 10 goal scorers of different countries

 Top 10 goal scorers of different countries In this post we will see the top 10 goal scorers of all time in international football from different countries. 1. Cristiano Ronaldo At first place we have Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal. He has scored 128 goals in 206 appearances. 2. Ali Daei At second spot we have Ali Daei from Iran. He has scored 108 goals in 148 appearances. 3. Lionel Messi At third place we have Lionel Messi from Argentina. He has scored a total of 106 goals in 181 matches. 4. Sunil Chhetri At fourth place we have Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri. He has scored 94 goals in 151 matches. 5. Mokhtar Dahari At place number five, we have Mokhtar Dahari from Malaysia. He has scored 89 goals in 142 appearances. 6. Ali Mabkhout Coming at sixth spot, we have Ali Mabkhout from United Arab Emirates. He has scored 85 goals in 114 matches. 7. Romelu Lukaku Now we have Romelu Lukaku from Belgium. Number of goals scored by Romelu Lukaku is equal to the goals of Ali Mabkhout but has ta

Who invented chess? History of Chess

Who invented chess?

The answer to this question can't be given in one word. In order to know the inventor of chess, we have to first look at the history of this game.

Chess is often regarded as the "game of kings," has a rich and mysterious history that spans centuries. As it is one of the most strategic and intellectually challenging board games ever created, it's no wonder that people are curious about its origins. In this blog post, we will dive into the fascinating history of chess and attempt to answer the famous question: Who invented chess?

History of Chess

Chess is believed to have originated in India during the Gupta Empire, around the 6th century AD. The earliest form of chess was a game called "Chaturanga," which translates to "four divisions of the military." This early version of chess represented the four main elements of the Indian army: infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots. 

Spread of Chess

From India, the game of chess began to spread to neighbouring countries. It reached Persia (modern-day Iran) in the 6th century and underwent modifications. The Persians called it "Shatranj," and the game became popular in the Persian royal courts. The rules evolved further during this time, including the addition of new pieces like the queen and bishop.

Chess in Islamic World

During the Islamic Golden Age, which lasted from the 8th to the 13th centuries, chess was introduced to the Muslim world. Scholars and mathematicians made significant contributions to the game, writing books on strategy and tactics. The game's name, "Shatranj," even has Arabic origins. 

Chess in Europe

Chess eventually made its way to Europe, where it gained popularity during the Renaissance. By this time, the game had undergone further rule changes, making it more closely resemble the modern chess. The word "checkmate" itself comes from the Persian phrase "shāh māt," meaning "the king is helpless."

Who invented chess?

So, who can be credited with the invention of chess? While the game's roots lie in ancient India, it's essential to understand that chess, as we know it today, is the result of a evolution that occurred over centuries. There is no single inventor of chess; instead, it emerged organically through cultural exchanges and adaptations.


In conclusion, the history of chess is a remarkable journey that spans continents and centuries. While we cannot point a single inventor, we can appreciate the contributions of various civilizations in shaping this great game. Chess has transcended time and borders to become a universal symbol of strategy and intellect, captivating minds around the world for generations. Whether you're a beginner or a grandmaster, the game's history is a testament to its enduring appeal.


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Top 10 goal scorers of different countries

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