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Showing posts from March, 2020

Top 10 goal scorers of different countries

 Top 10 goal scorers of different countries In this post we will see the top 10 goal scorers of all time in international football from different countries. 1. Cristiano Ronaldo At first place we have Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal. He has scored 128 goals in 206 appearances. 2. Ali Daei At second spot we have Ali Daei from Iran. He has scored 108 goals in 148 appearances. 3. Lionel Messi At third place we have Lionel Messi from Argentina. He has scored a total of 106 goals in 181 matches. 4. Sunil Chhetri At fourth place we have Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri. He has scored 94 goals in 151 matches. 5. Mokhtar Dahari At place number five, we have Mokhtar Dahari from Malaysia. He has scored 89 goals in 142 appearances. 6. Ali Mabkhout Coming at sixth spot, we have Ali Mabkhout from United Arab Emirates. He has scored 85 goals in 114 matches. 7. Romelu Lukaku Now we have Romelu Lukaku from Belgium. Number of goals scored by Romelu Lukaku is equal to the goals of Ali Mabkhout but has ta

Football vs cricket

Introduction  In this post, we will be reading about the comparison between two of the famous sports cricket and football. Football vs cricket? This is the question which is present in many minds. So to get the answer for the same, please read this post of football vs cricket. Football vs cricket  (number of players) We know that every sport has some rules regarding the number of players. So in both of these sports number of players is same and that equals to eleven (11). Football vs cricket  (different positions) There are some ways to play any sport and that could be same for all player or it could be different for every player or some tasks similar to some players and some other tasks for other players. In the same way, if we talk about cricket then there are batsman, bowlers, all-rounders, fielders and wicketkeeper whereas in football there are forward attackers, midfielders, goalkeeper, etc. Football vs cricket  (judgement) In every sport, there are some people who

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SPORTS AND GAMES   Basically some people thinks that the one who plays very much is wasting their precious time. It is partially correct only if the one is not serious about his future or if he/she is just playing for fun. I said partially because playing sports and games is as important as education. This is so because education only improves your brain but sports improves your health as well as brain. One should definitely play outdoor games to be a fit person if he/she is not doing some physical activity. TYPES OF GAMES There are two types of games: Indoor games 2.Outdoor games Indoor games The games which could be played inside your house are known as indoor games. There are many indoor games which are played throughout the world but the most common and famous are chess, ludo, carrom, etc. Outdoor games The games which could only be played outside the house are known as outdoor games. Here playing means in a real format. This type of games are more famous than

Top 10 goal scorers of different countries

 Top 10 goal scorers of different countries In this post we will see the top 10 goal scorers of all time in international football from different countries. 1. Cristiano Ronaldo At first place we have Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal. He has scored 128 goals in 206 appearances. 2. Ali Daei At second spot we have Ali Daei from Iran. He has scored 108 goals in 148 appearances. 3. Lionel Messi At third place we have Lionel Messi from Argentina. He has scored a total of 106 goals in 181 matches. 4. Sunil Chhetri At fourth place we have Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri. He has scored 94 goals in 151 matches. 5. Mokhtar Dahari At place number five, we have Mokhtar Dahari from Malaysia. He has scored 89 goals in 142 appearances. 6. Ali Mabkhout Coming at sixth spot, we have Ali Mabkhout from United Arab Emirates. He has scored 85 goals in 114 matches. 7. Romelu Lukaku Now we have Romelu Lukaku from Belgium. Number of goals scored by Romelu Lukaku is equal to the goals of Ali Mabkhout but has ta

Sports which helps in increasing height

 Sports which helps in increasing height So many of you have definitely heard that many sports helps in increasing height, right and many youngsters take advantage of those sports for getting a good height. Now many of you have a question here that what are those sports which helps in developing height. Before moving ahead let's get to know about how sports helps in increasing height. How sports help in increasing height So why should you play any sport, does it give you the guarantee of increasing height? Answer is 'no', playing sport does not give you the guarantee of height increase because major portion of height depends on your genetics but some outdoor activities can sometimes help in enhancing the height so you should definitely play outdoor games. So by playing sports, your body releases some types of chemicals which helps in increasing height, besides this sports also helps in stretching your body which also helps in increasing height. Also, by playing sports, your